Key factors affecting e-mail deliverability

August 13, 2024

E-mail deliverability is a key element in the success of e-mail marketing campaigns. It determines the ability of your e-mails to reach your recipients' inboxes rather than their spam folders. Many factors influence e-mail deliverability, from the quality of the contact list to the reputation of your sending domain. Understanding these factors and optimising them can considerably improve the effectiveness of your e-mail communications. Here are the main factors to take into account to ensure good e-mail deliverability.

The quality of the contact list

A clean, well-maintained contact list is essential for good deliverability. You can click on for more details. Invalid, inactive or incorrect e-mail addresses can lead to bounces, which damages your reputation as a sender. 

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Using e-mail verification tools to regularly clean up your list and remove problematic addresses is important. In addition, adopting double opt-in practices when signing up new subscribers ensures that your list contains contacts who are engaged and interested in your communications.

Sender reputation

The reputation of your domain and IP address is a determining factor in deliverability. Email service providers (ESPs) assess a sender's reputation by monitoring bounce rates, spam complaints and user engagement levels. Maintaining a good sender reputation means sending relevant emails to willing recipients and avoiding spam practices. A good reputation increases the chances of your emails reaching the inbox.

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Authentication protocols

E-mail authentication protocols such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) reinforce the legitimacy of your e-mails and protect against attempts at identity theft. These protocols enable ESPs to verify that emails have come from the authorised sender, reducing the risk of your emails being flagged as spam. Correct configuration of these protocols is essential to optimise deliverability.

Relevance and quality of content

The content of your e-mails plays a key role in their deliverability. Emails containing spam trigger words, too many symbols or images without text can be filtered as spam. Create balanced e-mails with an appropriate mix of text and images, and avoid spam practices. 

Also make sure that the content is relevant and interesting to your recipients. Well-designed, quality emails increase open and click-through rates, signalling to ESPs that your messages are valued and relevant.

User engagement rates

ESPs monitor user engagement rates to assess the relevance of emails. Indicators such as open rates, click-through rates and unsubscribe rates provide information about how recipients are interacting with your emails. High engagement rates indicate that your emails are relevant and interesting, which improves your reputation as a sender. To increase engagement, segment your contact list and personalise your emails according to recipients' interests and behaviour.

Frequency and volume of mailings

The frequency and volume of your e-mails can also affect deliverability. Sending e-mails to your contacts too frequently can lead to spam complaints and unsubscribes. Conversely, sending emails too infrequently can lead to your subscribers becoming disengaged. Striking a balance in the frequency of mailings is crucial. In addition, gradually increasing the volume of mailings helps to establish and maintain a good reputation as a sender, especially when using a new IP address.

Compliance with regulations

Complying with data protection regulations, such as the RGPD in Europe and the CAN-SPAM Act in the US, is essential for maintaining good deliverability. These laws require obtaining explicit consents for sending emails, providing an easy-to-find unsubscribe option and complying with unsubscribe requests. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties and damage your reputation as a sender. Make sure you are aware of and comply with the regulations in force in the regions where your recipients are located.

In short, email deliverability is influenced by many interconnected factors. By maintaining a clean contact list, ensuring a good sender reputation, using authentication protocols, creating relevant, high-quality content, increasing user engagement rates, balancing the frequency and volume of mailings, and complying with regulations, you can optimise the deliverability of your emails.